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Membership FAQs

Membership FAQs

What are the entitlements of membership?

Membership entitles you to participate in The Open Group’s highly influential Forums, Work Groups, and Consortia. Each of these focuses on a specific functional area, and provides an objective environment for member representatives to develop practical standards that drive operational efficiency and solve business problems in an open, timely and predictable manner.

Members Benefits of The Open Group:

  • Take an active role in shaping the future of open standards
  • Obtain early access to the latest information on technology standards and industry developments
  • Network with a world-class community of peers, experts and industry leaders
  • Gain insight for future decisions from both major customers and suppliers of IT
  • Can work collaboratively on mutually beneficial projects
  • Grow professionally, and enhance their credibility as leaders within their organization


  • Influence outcomes that benefit their organizations 
  • Grow professionally, and enhance their credibility as industry thought leaders 
  • Gain access to the Members-only section of The Open Group website, which contains copies of all specifications, best practice guides, and other publications from The Open Group, as well as extensive library of relevant working papers and documents 
  • Receive member newsletters containing updates about the activities of The Open Group, and participate in regular briefing sessions 
  • Participate as a reviewer in all consensus review cycles relating to specifications and guides produced by Forums and Work Groups 
  • Participate in Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, which investigate potential new areas of work 
  • Reduced member pricing for The Open Group events 


  • Opportunities to exchange ideas, expertise, and lessons learned with leaders and staff of other organizations like yours---both in person and online 
  • A direct connection to peers, consultants, and industry partners through The Open Group's Forums and Work Groups 
  • Access to members-only discussion groups in a variety of topics, where you and your team can seek practical answers and solutions from peers who have faced similar challenges.

What are the differences between Silver, Gold and Platinum organizational membership levels?

  • Silver Members are entitled to join one Forum of their choice. They may opt for a second Silver Membership if they wish to join another Forum, and may vote for a representative to the Governing Board
  • Gold Members are entitled to join any number of Forums open to all members of The Open Group (see list here), and may vote for a representative to the Governing Board
  • Platinum Members are entitled to join any number of Forums (see list here). They may also join work groups reserved for Platinum Members only, such as the Open Professions work group. Platinum members are entitled to have direct representation on the Governing Board of The Open Group.

If my organization joins as a Silver, Gold or Platinum member, do we have entitlements in one of The Open Group Consortia?

No. The Open Group FACE Consortium and The Open Group SOSA Consortium are gated to U.S. organizations and the U.S. persons who work for them.  While their operations are based on The Open Group Standards Process, they have separate membership agreements. and terms and conditions based on the nature of their work.

Does The Open Group have an individual membership, or do I need to join as an organization?

Only organizations can become a member of The Open Group. Membership is available to supplier companies, end-user customer companies, academic and research institutions, and government agencies. Individuals can participate under their organization's membership.

How do you define an organization as Academic in order to qualify for membership?

The Open Group Academic Membership is available only to research and teaching staff of academic faculty at accredited colleges and universities. Our intention is to enable Academic Members to collaborate on projects that will help to further the IT profession and encourage the development and adoption of open standards. Students cannot participate. 

As the vendor-neutral, global consortium that leads the development of open technology standards, certifications and best practices worldwide. The Open Group actively encourages Academic participation in our Forums and Work Groups. Fees: The cost of Academic membership is $1250 for a 1-year period.

Can Government agencies join as members?

Government agencies are important and welcome contributors to all Open Group initiatives.

There is also a Government Enterprise Architecture Work Group, a joint Work Group between the Architecture Forum and ArchiMate® Forum. The objective of this Work Group is to develop solutions (open standards, best practices, guides, reference architectures, etc.) that will be useful to the Government EA community and to provide a supportive, shared learning environment for Government EAs.

If I have a product or people certification from The Open Group, does that provide me with membership entitlements?

No.  A professional certification issued by The Open Group does not include membership in The Open Group.  Certification and membership are separate. You can be certified by The Open Group but not be a member representative of The Open Group.

The Open Group professional certification programs are designed to assess professional knowledge, skills, achievements and competencies for various aspects of skills development, such as, TOGAF®, ArchiMate®, Open FAIR™, and IT4IT™.  

My organization is listed as a member of The Open Group. How can I participate?

If you are an employee of an organization that is a member of The Open Group (check member list here), then you may be eligible to participate as a member once you register online.

I'm a member of the Association of Enterprise Architects. Does the AEA membership provide any membership entitlements in The Open Group?

No. Membership in the AEA does not include membership entitlements in The Open Group. 

Individuals can join the global Association of Enterprise Architects, a professional organization open to anyone interested in Enterprise Architecture.  The goals of the AEA are to increase job opportunities for all members and increase their market value by advancing professional excellence.

Is my organization considered a supplier or customer?

Here’s our definition of Supplier and Customer Memberships for The Open Group.

Supplier Organizations: Suppliers are those organizations whose primary business involves the manufacture or supply of technology hardware, software, and related services for commercial purposes.

Customer Organizations: Customer organizations are those who are primarily users of technology hardware, software, and related services.

Note: Very small organizations and one person consulting organizations may opt to self-classify themselves as either suppliers or customers, unless they hold or are required to hold a commercial license to one or more standards of The Open Group, in which case they must classify themselves as suppliers.

Questions about membership? 

I'm interested in becoming a member of The Open Group and want to learn more about the benefits of joining a Forum or Consortium. 

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