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Company Reviews Completed

This page contains the list of company reviews completed. To see the list of reviews in progress see here.


Title Sponsor Review Start Review End Details
The Open Group Base Specifications, Issue 8 The Open Group Platform Forum Dec 18, 2023 Jan 31, 2024 Review Details
Energistics Unit of Measure (UOM) Standard v1.0.1 - Energistics UOM Dictionary (.json) Energistics Consortium Jan 25, 2024 Feb 22, 2024 Review Details
Energistics Unit of Measure (UOM) Standard v1.0.1 - Energistics UOM Dictionary Spreadsheet Energistics Consortium Jan 25, 2024 Feb 22, 2024 Review Details
Energistics Unit of Measure (UOM) Standard v1.0.1 - Energistics Integer Code Energistics Consortium Jan 25, 2024 Feb 22, 2024 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.2 Translation Glossary: English – French The ArchiMate Forum Jan 10, 2024 Feb 21, 2024 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.2 Translation Glossary: English – Japanese The ArchiMate Forum Jan 10, 2024 Feb 21, 2024 Review Details
The Open Group Product Certification Portfolio: Verification Entity Requirements The Open Group Sep 27, 2023 Oct 25, 2023 Review Details
The TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition Translation Glossary: English – Hungarian The Open Group Architecture Forum Sep 27, 2023 Oct 18, 2023 Review Details
The IT4IT™ Standard, Version 3.0: Translation Glossary: English – Simplified Chinese The Open Group IT4IT™ Forum Mar 14, 2023 Apr 25, 2023 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: ArchiMate® Program Configuration, Version 3.2 The ArchiMate® Forum May 10, 2023 June 7, 2023 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: ArchiMate® 3 Conformance Requirements (Multi-Level), Version 3.2 The ArchiMate® Forum May 10, 2023 June 7, 2023 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: Certification Credentials Program        
ArchiMate® Essentials 3.2 Credential Definition, Version 1.0
The ArchiMate® Forum May 10, 2023 June 7, 2023 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: Certification Credentials Program        
ArchiMate® Essentials 3.2 Conformance Requirements, Version 1.0
The ArchiMate® Forum May 10, 2023 June 7, 2023 Review Details
Especificação ArchiMate® 3.2 (Brazilian Portuguese Translation) The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Mar 21, 2023 May 2, 2023 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.2 Translation Glossary: English – Simplified Chinese The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Jan 2, 2023 Jan 23, 2023 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.2 Translation Glossary: English – Danish The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Mar 21, 2023 May 2, 2023 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide: Architecture Maturity Models - Chinese Translation The Open Group Architecture Forum Mar 21, 2022 May 2, 2022 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide: Organization Mapping - Chinese Translation The Open Group Architecture Forum Mar 21, 2022 May 2, 2022 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide: Information Mapping - Chinese Translation The Open Group Architecture Forum Mar 21, 2022 May 2, 2022 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide: Value Streams - Chinese Translation The Open Group Architecture Forum Mar 21, 2022 May 2, 2022 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide: Business Scenarios - Chinese Translation The Open Group Architecture Forum Mar 21, 2022 May 2, 2022 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide: Business Models - Chinese Translation The Open Group Architecture Forum Mar 21, 2022 May 2, 2022 Review Details
Conformance Requirements for the Data Scientist Profession (Open CDS), Version 2.0 The Open Group Open Professions Governing Board Work Group Dec 22, 2022 Jan 16, 2023 Review Details
FACE™ Transport Services for Edition 2.1.1 Training Course Conformance Requirements The Open Group FACE™ Consortium Nov 15, 2022 Dec 14, 2022 Review Details
FACE™ Transport Services for Edition 3.1 Training Course Conformance Requirements The Open Group FACE™ Consortium Nov 15, 2022 Dec 14, 2022 Review Details
The Open Group Standard for the Open Universal Domain Description Language (Open UDDL), Edition 1.0 Technical Corrigendum 1 The Open Group FACE™ Consortium Dec 22, 2022 Jan 12, 2023 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People IT4IT™ Conformance Requirements (Level 1), Version 3.0 The Open Group IT4IT™ Forum May 27, 2022 Sep 9, 2022 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People IT4IT™ Program Configuration, Version 3.0 The Open Group IT4IT™ Forum May 27, 2022 Sep 9, 2022 Review Details
Open FAIR™ Conformance Requirements, Version 2.0 The Open Group Security Forum May 27, 2022 Jul 22, 2022 Review Details
Open FAIR™ Program Configuration, Version 1.2 The Open Group Security Forum May 27, 2022 Jul 22, 2022 Review Details
OPAF (Open Process Automation™ Forum): Glossary and Abbreviations, Version 2.1 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Jun 1, 2022 Jul 25, 2022 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.1 Part 1 – Technical Architecture Overview (Informative) The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Jun 1, 2022 Jul 25, 2022 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.1 Part 2 – Security The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Jun 1, 2022 Jul 25, 2022 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.1 Part 3 – Profiles (Informative) The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Jun 1, 2022 Jul 25 , 2022 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.1 Part 4 – O-PAS Connectivity Framework (OCF) The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Jun 1, 2022 Jul 25, 2022 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.1 Part 5 – System Management The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Jun 1, 2022 Jul 25, 2022 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.1 Part 6.1 – Information and Exchange Models: Overview and Interfaces The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Jun 27, 2022 Jul 25, 2022 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.1 Part 6.2 – Information and Exchange Models: Basic Configuration The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Jun 27, 2022 Jul 25, 2022 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.1 Part 6.3 – Information and Exchange Models: Alarm and Events Configuration The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Jun 27, 2022 Jul 25, 2022 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.1 Part 6.4 – Information and Exchange Models: Function Blocks The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Jun 27, 2022 Jul 25, 2022 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.1 Part 6.5 – Information and Exchange Models: IEC 61499 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Jun 27, 2022 Jul 25, 2022 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.1 Part 6.6 – Information and Exchange Models: IEC 61131 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Jun 27, 2022 Jul 25, 2022 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.1 Part 7 – Distributed Control Platform The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Jun 1, 2022 Jul 25, 2022 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.2 Translation Glossary: English – Czech The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Nov 2, 2022 Nov 30, 2022 Review Details
The Open Agile Architecture™ Glossaire: English - French The Open Group Architecture Forum Oct 13, 2022 Nov 25, 2022 Review Details
O-DF Version 2.0 - Chinese Translation Semantic Interoperability Work Group Aug 23, 2022 Oct 4, 2022 Review Details
Additional APIs for the Base Specifications Issue 8, Part 2 Platform Forum Sep 30, 2022 Oct 28, 2022 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.1  Technical Corrigendum 1 The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum July 1, 2022 July 29, 2022 Review Details
Open Agile Architecture™ Standard Technical Corrigendum 1 The Open Group Open Agile Architecture™ Governing Board Work Group May 9, 2022 Jun 20, 2022 Review Details
The Open Group IT4IT™ Standard: A Reference Architecture for Managing Digital, Version 3.0 The Open Group IT4IT Forum Apr 20, 2022 Mar 07, 2022 Review Details
Risk Analysis (O-RA) v3.0.1- Brazilian Portuguese Translation The Open Group Security Forum Aug 1, 2022 Aug 29, 2022 Review Details
Risk Taxonomy (O-RT), v3.0.1 - Brazilian Portuguese Translation The Open Group Security Forum Aug 1, 2022 Aug 29, 2022 Review Details
The Open Group® Professional Certification Program - Conformance Requirements for the Data Scientist Profession (Open CDS) Technical Corrigendum  The Open Professions Governing Board Work Group Mar 21, 2022 May 2, 2022 Review Details
The Open Group Standard - The Open Group Commercial Aviation Reference Architecture The Open Group Architecture Forum Commercial Aviation Work Group Feb 14, 2022 Mar 28, 2022 Review Details
The Open Group Guide - Commercial Aviation Reference Architecture Guide: Business Architecture The Open Group Architecture Forum Commercial Aviation Work Group Feb 14, 2022 Mar 28, 2022 Review Details
The Open Group Commercial Aviation Reference Architecture XML Model The Open Group Architecture Forum Commercial Aviation Work Group Feb 14, 2022 Mar 28, 2022  
O-DEF™, the Open Data Element Framework, Version 3.0 The Open Group Semantic Interoperability Work Group Mar 23, 2022 TBD Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide TOGAF® Digital Business Reference Model (DBRM) The Open Group Architecture Forum Aug 17, 2021 Sept 28, 2021 Review Details
The Open Group Certification for People: TOGAF® Program The Open Group Architecture Forum Jul 12, 2021 Aug 13, 2021 Review Details
The Open Agile Architecture™ Standard - Chinese Translation The Open Group Agile Architecture Governing Board Work Group Aug 16, 2021 Sep 27, 2021 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide: Digital Technology Adoption: A Guide to Readiness Assessment and Roadmap Development The Open Group Architecture Forum Sep 8, 2020 Oct 6, 2020 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide: Using the TOGAF® Standard in the Digital Enterprise The Open Group Architecture Forum Oct 7, 2020 Nov 4, 2020 Review Details
TOGAF® Standard – Introduction The Open Group Architecture Forum Jan 29, 2020 Jul 31, 2020 Review Details
Recirculation Draft: TOGAF® Standard Part 1 – Concepts and Architecture Development Method The Open Group Architecture Forum Jun 14, 2019 Aug 15, 2019 Review Details
Recirculation Draft: TOGAF® Standard Part 2 – ADM Techniques The Open Group Architecture Forum Jul 1, 2019 Aug 15, 2019 Review Details
Recirculation Draft: TOGAF® Standard Part 3 – Applying the ADM The Open Group Architecture Forum Jul 1, 2019 Aug 15, 2019 Review Details
Recirculation Draft: TOGAF® Standard Part 4 – Architecture Content The Open Group Architecture Forum Jul 18, 2019 Aug 15, 2019 Review Details
Recirculation Draft: TOGAF® Standard Part 5 – EA Capability and Governance The Open Group Architecture Forum Jul 1, 2019 Aug 15, 2019 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide Information Architecture: Customer Master Data Management (C-MDM) The Open Group Architecture Forum Jan 27, 2021 Mar 10, 2021 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide Microservices Architecture (MSA) The Architecture Forum Sept 22, 2021 Nov 3, 2021 Review Details
Technical Corrigendum: The Open Group O-PAS™ Certification Program: Certification Policy, Version 1.0 The Open Process™ Automation Forum Dec. 7, 2021 Jan. 4, 2022 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.1 Translation Glossary:  English – German The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Sep 16, 2021 Oct 28, 2021 Review Details
FACE™ Training Course Accreditation Program Configuration, Version 1.0 The Open Group FACE Consortium Sep 2, 2021 Sep 30, 2021 Review Details
FACE™ Conformance Training Course Conformance Requirements, Version 1.0 The Open Group FACE Consortium Sep 2, 2021 Sep 30, 2021 Review Details
Technical Corrigendum: The Open Group Standard for Risk Analysis (O-RA), Version 2.0 The Open Group Security Forum Sep 27, 2021 --- Review Details
Technical Corrigendum: The Open Group Standard for Risk Taxonomy (O-RT), Version 3.0 The Open Group Security Forum Sep 27, 2021 --- Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide: Government Reference Model (GRM) The Open Group Architecture Forum Mar 22, 2021 Apr 12, 2021 Review Details
Technical Standard for SOSA™ Reference Architecture, Edition 1.0 The Open Group SOSA Consortium Aug 2, 2021 Aug 27, 2021 Review
The Open Group® SOSA™ Conformance Certification Program (Sensor Open Systems Architecture) Conformance Certification Policy The Open Group SOSA Consortium May 12, 2021 June 9, 2021 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: Open Agile Architecture™ Program Configuration The Open Group Agile Architecture Governing Board Work Group May 25, 2021 June 8, 2021 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: Open Agile Architecture™ Practitioner Conformance Requirements The Open Group Agile Architecture Governing Board Work Group May 25, 2021 June 8, 2021 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.1 Translation Glossary:  English – Czech   The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Mar 1, 2021 Apr 12, 2021 Review Details
Configuration Document for the Trusted Technology Practitioner Profession (Open CTTP), Technical Corrigendum The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum Mar 23, 2021 Apr 20, 2021 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Glossary and Abbreviations Candidate Glossary for Version 2.1 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 25, 2020 Dec 23, 2020 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Part 7 - Distributed Control Platform The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 5, 2020 Dec 3, 2020 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Part 6.4 - Information and Exchange Models: Function Blocks The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 5, 2020 Dec 3, 2020 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Part 6.3 - Alarm & Events Configuration The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 5, 2020 Dec 3, 2020 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Part 6.2 - Information and Exchange Models: Basic Configuration The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 5, 2020 Dec 3, 2020 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Part 4 - Connectivity Framework The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 5, 2020 Dec 3, 2020 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Part 1 - Technical Architecture Overview The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 5, 2020 Dec 3, 2020 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Part 2 - Security The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 5, 2020 Dec 3, 2020 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Part 5 - Systems & Network Management The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 5, 2020 Dec 3, 2020 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Part 6.1 - Information and Exchange Models: Overview and Interfaces The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 5, 2020 Dec 3, 2020 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Part 6.6 - Information and Information and Exchange Models: IEC 61131 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 23, 2020 Dec 21, 2020 Review Details
Open Agile Architecture - Brazilian Portuguese Translation The Open Group Agile Architecture Governing Board Work Group Mar 24, 2021 May 5, 2021 Review Details
Additional APIs for the Base Specifications Issue 8, Part 1 The Open Group Platform Forum Nov 24, 2020 Dec 22, 2020 Review Details
The O-AA™ Security Playbook - The Open Group Guide The Open Group Agile Architecture Governing Board Work Group Apr 2, 2020 May 14, 2020 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide —The TOGAF® Framework – Enabling Enterprise Agility The Open Group Architecture Forum Aug 25, 2020 Sep 22, 2020 Review Details
The Open Group® Professional Certification Program, Conformance Document for the Architect Profession (Open CA) The Open Group Governing Board Open Professions Work Group Oct 12, 2020 Nov 23, 2020 Review Details
The Open Group® Professional Certification Program, Conformance Document for the Architect Profession (Open CA) The Open Group Governing Board Open Professions Work Group Oct 12, 2020 Nov 23, 2020 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide - Applying the TOGAF® ADM using Agile Sprints The Open Group Architecture Forum Apr 2, 2020 May 14, 2020 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide - Business Capabilities, Version 2 The Open Group Architecture Forum Jun 17, 2020 Jul 29, 2020 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: DPBoK™ Program Configuration, Technical Corrigendum #1 The Open Group Staff Oct 22, 2020 Nov 5, 2020 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.1 Translation Glossary: English - Russian The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Nov 4, 2020 Nov 11, 2020 Review Details
The Open Group Standard Risk Taxonomy (O-RT), Version 3.0 The Open Group Security Forum Aug 10, 2020 Sep 21, 2020 Review Details
The Open Group Standard Risk Analysis (O-RA), Version 2.0 The Open Group Security Forum Aug 10, 2020 Sep 21, 2020 Review Details
Technical Corrigendum: Conformance Requirements for the Trusted Technology Practitioner Profession (Open CTTP), Version 1.0 The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum Aug 5, 2020 Sep 2, 2020 Review Details
The Open Agile Architecture  Standard The Open Group Agile Architecture Governing Board Work Group May 21, 2020 Jun 18, 2020 Review Details
The Open Group ArchiMate® 3.1 Specification - Brazilian Portuguese The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Apr 6, 2020 May 18, 2020 Review Details
Integrating Risk and Security Credential Definition, Technical Corrigendum 1 The Open Group Staff Jul 15, 2020 Jul 29, 2020 Review Details
Integrating Risk and Security Credential Conformance Requirements, Technical Corrigendum 1 The Open Group Staff Jul 15, 2020 Jul 29, 2020 Review Details
Principles for Open Digital Standards at The Open Group® The Open Group Digital Practitioners Work Group  Apr 30, 2020 May 14, 2020 Review Details
FACE™ Technical Standard, Edition 3.0 Technical Corrigendum 1 The Open Group FACE™ Consortium Apr 17, 2020 May 1, 2020 Review Details
The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 Translation Glossary: English – Hungarian The Open Group Architecture Forum Mar 16, 2020 April 27, 2020 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide Organization Mapping The Open Group Architecture Forum Dec 2, 2019 Feb 3, 2020 Review Details
The Open Group® Professional Certification Program Conformance Requirements for the Technical Specialist Profession (Open CTS) Open Professions Governing Board Work Group Sep 13, 2019 Aug 7, 2019 Review Details
The Open Group® Professional Certification Program Configuration Document for the Technical Specialist Profession (Open CTS) Open Professions Governing Board Work Group Sep 13, 2019 Aug 7, 2019 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.1 Translation Glossary: English – Latin American Spanish The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Jan 28, 2020 Mar 10, 2020 Review Details
The Open Group Standard ArchiMate® 3.1 Translation Glossary: English – French The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Sep 5, 2019 Oct 3, 2019 Review Details
The Open Group Standard ArchiMate® 3.1 Translation Glossary: English – Brazilian Portuguese The Open Group Architecture Forum Jul 24, 2019 TBD Review Details
The Open Group® TOGAF® Series Guide Architecture Maturity Models The Open Group Architecture Forum Jul 10, 2019 Jul 31, 2019 Review Details
The Open Group® Architecture Tool Certification ArchiMate® 3.1 Conformance Requirements The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Dec 2, 2019 Jan 13, 2020 Review Details
The Open Group Standard O-DEF™, the Open Data Element Framework, Version 2.0 The Open Group Platform 3.0™ Forum Dec 16, 2019 Jan 13, 2020 Review Details
The Open Group O-PAS™ Certification Program Certification Policy The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Sep 24, 2019 Oct 22, 2019 Review Details
IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, Version 2.1 Glossary Chinese Translation – IT4IT™ 参考架构 2.1 版翻译词汇表: The Open Group IT4IT™ Forum Jan 22, 2019 TBD Review Details
IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, Version 2.1 Chinese Translation – The Open Group IT4IT™ 参考架构版本 2.1 The Open Group IT4IT™ Forum Jan 22, 2019 TBD Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.0 Part 1 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Oct 28 2019 Nov 26 2019 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.0 Part 2 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Oct 28, 2019 Nov 26, 2019 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.0 Part 3 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Oct 28, 2019 Nov 26, 2019 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.0 Part 4 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Oct 28, 2019 Nov 26, 2019 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.0 Part 5 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Oct 28, 2019 Nov 26, 2019 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.0 Part 6.1 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Oct 28, 2019 Nov 26, 2019 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.0 Part 6.2 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Oct 28, 2019 Nov 26, 2019 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.0 Part 6.3 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Oct 28, 2019 Nov 26, 2019 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.0 Part 6.4 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Oct 28, 2019 Nov 26, 2019 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 2.0 Part 7 The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Oct 28, 2019 Nov 26, 2019 Review Details
DPBoK™ Technical Corrigendum 1 (TC1) The Open Group Digital Practitioners Work Group Oct 14, 2019 Oct 28, 2019 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide Architecture Skills Framework Summary The Open Group Architecture Forum Jun 26, 2019 Jul 19, 2019  
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 1.0 Part 1 – Technical Architecture Overview (Informative) The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Sep 13, 2019 Oct 11, 2019 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 1.0 Part 2 – Security (Informative) The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Sep 13, 2019 Oct 11, 2019 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 1.0 Part 3 – Profiles The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Sep 13, 2019 Oct 11, 2019 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 1.0 Part 4 – Connectivity Framework (OCF) The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Sep 13, 2019 Oct 11, 2019 Review Details
O-PAS™ Standard, Version 1.0 Part 5 – System Management The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Sep 13, 2019 Oct 11, 2019 Review Details
The Open Group Standard Open Data Format (O-DF), The Open Group Standard for the Internet of Things (IoT), Version 2.0 The Open Group Open Platform 3.0™ Forum Sep 30, 2019 Oct 28, 2019 Review Details
The Open Group Standard Open Messaging Interface (O-MI), The Open Group Standard for the Internet of Things (IoT), Version 2.0 The Open Group Open Platform 3.0™ Forum Sep 30, 2019 Oct 28, 2019 Review Details
The Open Group Standard ArchiMate® 3.1 Translation Glossary: English – Polish The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Sep 24, 2019 Oct 22, 2019 Review Details
ArchiMate® Model Exchange File Format for the ArchiMate Modeling Language, Version 3.0 Technical Corrigendum 1 – Draft The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Sep 16 ,2019 Oct 14, 2019 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: Credentials Program ArchiMate® Essentials 3.1 Conformance Requirements The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Aug 22, 2019 Sep 5, 2019 Review Details
Configuration Document for the Trusted Technology Practitioner Profession (Open CTTP) The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum May 28, 2019 Sep 4, 2019 Review Details
Conformance Requirements for the Trusted Technology Practitioner Profession (Open CTTP) The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum May 28, 2019 Sep 4, 2019 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: DPBoK™ Program Configuration The Open Group Digital Practitioners Work Group Jun 18, 2019 TBD Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: DPBoK™ Conformance Requirements(Level 1) The Open Group Digital Practitioners Work Group Jun 18, 2019 TBD Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: Credentials Program ArchiMate® Essentials 3.1 Credential Definition The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Aug 22, 2019 Sep 5, 2019 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: ArchiMate® 3 Conformance Requirements (Multi-Level) The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Jul 3, 2019 Jul 17, 2019 Review Details
The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 Translation Glossary: English – Polish The Open Group Architecture Forum Jul 31, 2019 Aug 28, 2019 Review Details
The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 Translation Glossary: English – Turkish The Open Group Architecture Forum May 6, 2019 Jun 17, 2019 Review Details
Corrigendum: Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS) Conformance Requirements, Version 1 The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum Jun 17, 2019 Jul 1, 2019 Review Details
Digital Practitioner Body of Knowledge™ Standard, also known as the DPBoK™ Standard The Open Group Digital Practitioners Work Group Apr 5, 2019 May 3, 2019 Review Details
Open Universal Domain Description Language (Open UDDL), Version 1.0 Standard The Open Group FACE™ Consortium Mar 29, 2019 Apr 26, 2019 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: Credentials Program Integrating Risk and Security Credential Definition The Open Group Security Forum Mar 13, 2019 Apr 24, 2019 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: Credentials Program Integrating Risk and Security Conformance Requirements The Open Group Security Forum Mar 13, 2019 Apr 24, 2019 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.1 Specification The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Nov 26, 2018 Jan 14, 2019 Review Details
The Open Group®Certification for People Program: TOGAF® Credentials Program – TOGAF® Business Architecture Credential The Open Group Architecture Forum Dec 17, 2018 Jan 7, 2019 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People Program: TOGAF® Credentials Program – TOGAF® Business Architecture Conformance Requirements The Open Group Architecture Forum Dec 17, 2018 Jan 7, 2019 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide: Information Mapping The Open Group Architecture Forum Mar 6, 2019 Mar 20, 2019 Review Details
The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 Translation Glossary: English – Italian The Open Group Architecture Forum Feb 13 2019 Mar 27 2019 Review Details
The Open Group Certification for People Training Course Accreditation Policy The Open Group Staff Jan 15, 2019 Jan 29, 2019 Review Details
The Open Group Certification for People Training Course Accreditation Requirements The Open Group Staff Jan 15, 2019 Jan 29, 2019 Review Details
TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 The Open Group Architecture Forum May 10, 2018 Jul 10, 2018 Review Details
The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 Translation Glossary: English – French The Open Group Architecture Forum Jul 11, 2018 Aug 22. 2018 Review Details
O-PAS™ Version 1.0, a Preliminary Standard of The Open Group Part 1 – Technical Architecture Overview (Informative) The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 20 ,2018 Dec 21, 2018 Review Details
O-PAS™ Version 1.0, a Preliminary Standard of The Open Group Part 2 – Security The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 20, 2018 Dec 21, 2018 Review Details
O-PAS™ Version 1.0, a Preliminary Standard of The Open Group Part 3 – Profiles The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 20, 2018 Dec 21, 2018 Review Details
O-PAS™ Version 1.0, a Preliminary Standard of The Open Group Part 4 – Connectivity Framework (OCF) The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 20, 2018 Dec 21, 2018 Review Details
O-PAS™ Version 1.0, a Preliminary Standard of The Open Group Part 5 – System Management The Open Group Open Process Automation™ Forum Nov 20 ,2018 Dec 21, 2018 Review Details
The Open Group® Professional Certification Program: Configuration Document for the Architect Profession (Open CA) The Open Group Governing Board Open CA Work Group Oct 3, 2018 Nov 14 2018 Review Details
The Open Group® Professional Certification Program: Conformance Requirements for the Architect Profession (Open CA) The Open Group Governing Board Open CA Work Group Oct 3, 2018 Nov 14, 2018 Review Details
TOGAF® Tools Conformance The Open Group Architecture Forum Sep 7, 2018 Oct 19, 2018 Review Details
The Open Group® Professional Certification Program: Configuration Document for the Data Scientist Profession (Open CDS) The Open Group Governing Board Open Professions Data Scientist Work Group May 30, 2018 Jul 6, 2018 Review Details
The Open Group® Professional Certification Program: Conformance Requirements for the Data Scientist Profession (Open CDS) The Open Group Governing Board Open Professions Data Scientist Work Group May 30, 2018 Jul 6, 2018 Review Details
The Open Group® Professional Certification Program: Accreditation Requirements The Open Group Governing Board Open CA Work Group May 1, 2018 Jun 1, 2018 Review Details
The Open Group® Professional Certification Program: Accreditation Policy The Open Group Governing Board Open CA Work Group May 1, 2018 Jun 1, 2018 Review Details
The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 Translation Glossary: English – German The Open Group Architecture Forum Jul 11, 2018 Aug 22, 2018 Review Details
Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS) – Mitigating Maliciously Tainted and Counterfeit Products, Part 1: Requirements and Recommendations, Version 1.1.1 The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum Jul 13, 2018 Jul 27, 2018 Review Details
Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS) – Mitigating Maliciously Tainted and Counterfeit Products, Part 2: Assessment Procedures for the O-TTPS and ISO/IEC 20243-1:2018, Version 1.1.1 The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum Jul 13, 2018 Jul 27, 2018 Review Details
The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 Translation Glossary: English – Simplified Chinese The Open Group Architecture Forum Apr 30, 2018 May 30, 2018 Review Details
Commercial Aviation Reference Architecture The Open Group Aviation Reference Architecture Work Group Mar 16, 2108 Apr 16, 2018 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide – Guide to Business Models The Open Group Architecture Forum Mar 29, 2018 Apr 29, 2018 Review Details
The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 Translation Glossary: English – Latin American Spanish The Open Group Architecture Forum Apr 24, 2018 May 24, 2018 Review Details
ArchiMate 3.0.1 Specification – Brazilian Portuguese The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Jan 18, 2018 Feb 18, 2018 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide – Architecture Project Management The Open Group Architecture Forum Jan 16, 2018 Feb 16, 2018 Review Details
The Open Group® Professional Certification Program: Configuration Document for the Architect Profession (Open CA) The Open Group Governing Board Open CA Work Group Feb 1, 2018 Feb 15, 2018 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide – Business Capabilities The Open Group Architecture Forum Jan 16, 2018 Feb 16, 2018 Review Details
The Open Group® Professional Certification Program: Certification Policy The Open Group Governing Board Open Professions Work Group May 5, 2017 Jun 2, 2017 Review Details
The Open Group® Professional Certification Program: Conformance Requirements for the Architecture Profession (Open CA) The Open Group Governing Board Open CA Work Group May 5, 2017 Jun 2, 2017 Review Details
The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 The Open Group Architecture Forum Mar 31, 2017 Jun 19, 2017 Review Details
TOGAF® Conformance Requirements (Multi-Level) The Open Group Architecture Forum Jan 2, 2018 Jan 16, 2018 Review Details
TOGAF® Essentials 2018 Credential Definition The Open Group Architecture Forum Feb 26, 2018 Mar 12, 2018 Review Details
TOGAF® Essentials 2018 Conformance Requirements The Open Group Architecture Forum Feb 26, 2018 Mar 12, 2018 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide – A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF® ADM The Open Group Architecture Forum Dec 11, 2017 Jan 11, 2018 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide – The TOGAF® Leader's Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability The Open Group Architecture Forum Sep 8, 2017 Oct 8, 2017 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide – Value Streams The Open Group Architecture Forum Sep 5, 2017 Oct 5, 2017 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide – The TOGAF® Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model (III-RM): An Architected Approach to Boundaryless Information Flow™ The Open Group Architecture Forum Jun 1, 2017 Jul 1, 2017 Review Details
Technical Standard for Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Edition 3.0 The Open Group FACE™ Consortium Aug 18, 2017 Sep 18, 2017 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide – Business Scenarios The Open Group Architecture Forum Jun 8, 2017 Jul 8, 2017 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide – The TOGAF® Technical Reference Model (TRM) The Open Group Architecture Forum Jun 1, 2017 Jul 1, 2017 Review Details
Open Data Format (O-DF) an Open Group Internet of Things (IoT) Standard, Technical Corrigendum No. 1 The Open Group Open Platform 3.0™ Forum Jun 19, 2017 Jul 17, 2017 Review Details
Open Messaging Interface (O-MI) an Open Group Internet of Things (IoT) Standard, Technical Corrigendum No. 2 The Open Group Open Platform 3.0™ Forum Jun 19, 2017 Jul 17, 2017 Review Details
TOGAF® Series Guide – Using the TOGAF® Framework to Define and Govern Service-Oriented Architectures The Open Group SOA Work Group Jun 16, 2017 Jul 16, 2017 Review Details
Open Information Security Management Maturity Model (O-ISM3) The Open Group Security Forum Jul 11, 2017 Aug 8, 2017 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.0 Translation Glossary: English – Hungarian The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Jun 16, 2017 Jul 16, 2017 Review Details
The Open Group Professional Certification Program: Conformance Requirements for the IT Manager Profession (Open CITM) The Open Group Governing Board Open CITS Work Group May 17, 2017 Jun 14, 2017 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.0 Translation Glossary: English – Latin American Spanish The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Apr 11, 2017 May 11, 2017 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.0 Translation Glossary: English – Brazilian Portuguese The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Apr 3, 2017 May 3, 2017 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.0 Specification Technical Corrigendum 1 The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Apr 28, 2017 May 12, 2017 Review Details
ArchiMate® Model Exchange File Format for the ArchiMate Modeling Language, Version 3.0 The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Mar 10, 2017 Apr 7, 2017 Review Details
The Open Group FACE™ Consortium Technical Standard 2.1 Corrigendum 1 The Open Group FACE™ Consortium Mar 9, 2017 Mar 24, 2017 Review Details
The Open Group FACE™ Consortium Technical Standard 2.0 Corrigendaum1 The Open Group FACE™ Consortium Mar 9, 2017 Mar 24, 2017 Review Details
The Open Group FACE™ Consortium Software Supplier Statement of Conformance The Open Group FACE™ Consortium Mar 9, 2017 Mar 24, 2017 Review Details
IT4IT Conformance Requirements (Level 1) Version 1.1 The Open Group IT4IT™ Forum Mar 10, 2017 Mar 24, 2017 Review Details
Open Business Architecture (O-BA) – Part II: Business Architecture Capabilities, Value Stages, and Activities The Open Group Governing Board Business Architecture Work Group Jan 16, 2017 Feb 13, 2017 Review Details
Technology Base Reference Models for Open Platform 3.0™ The Open Group Open Platform 3.0™ Forum Dec 16, 2016 Jan 6, 2017 Review Details
TOGAF® Version 9.1 – Simplified Chinese Translation The Open Group Architecture Forum Aug 1, 2016 Aug 15, 2016 Review Details
Open Business Data Lake (O-BDL) Conceptual Framework The Open Group Open Platform 3.0™ Forum Dec 12, 2016 Jan 12, 2017 Review Details
Certification Program Document:ArchiMate® Tool Certification Conformance Requirements The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Sep 23, 2016 Oct 14, 2016 Review Details
IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, Version 2.1 The Open Group IT4IT™ Forum Nov 14, 2016 Dec 19, 2016 Review Detail
Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS) Conformance Requirements, Version 1 The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum Aug 26, 2016 Sep 23, 2016 Review Details
Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS) Certification Policy, Version 1.1 The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum Aug 26, 2016 Sep 23, 2016 Review Details
Cloud Computing Governance Framework The Open Group Open Platform 3.0™ Forum Cloud Computing Work Group Dec 21, 2015 Feb 8, 2016 Review Details
The Open Group Certification for People: ArchiMate® Program Configuration The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Jun 29, 2016 Jul 13, 2016 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People ArchiMate® 3 Conformance Requirements (Multi-Level) The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Jun 16, 2016 Jul 7, 2016 Review Details
The Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Conformance Policy, Version 2.0 The Open Group FACE™ Consortium Aug 10, 2016 Aug 24, 2016 Review Details
The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7, Technical Corrigendum 2 The Open Group Platform Forum Base Working Group Feb 19, 2016 Apr 1, 2016 Review Details
Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS) ISO/IEC 20243:2015 – Assessment Procedures (v1.1.1) The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum Apr 19, 2016 May 17, 2016 Review Details
TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English to Turkish The Open Group Architecture Forum May 13, 2016 Jun 10, 2016 Review Details
Open CA Conformance Requirements (Level 1 and 2) The Open Group Governing Board Open CA Work Group Apr 11, 2016 Apr 26, 2016 Review Details
Open Business Architecture Standard (O-BA) The Open Group Governing Board Business Architecture Work Group Mar 24, 2016 Apr 14, 2016 Review Details
ArchiMate® 3.0 Specification The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Jan 5, 2016 Feb 9, 2016 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: Certification Policy for Examination-Based Programs The Open Group Staff Jan 4, 2016 Jan 18, 2016 Review Details
Open Data Element Framework (O-DEF) The Open Group Open Platform 3.0™ Forum Nov 25, 2015 Dec 23, 2015 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: IT4IT™ Program Configuration The Open Group IT4IT™ Forum Dec 8, 2015 Dec 22, 2015 Review Details
The Open Group® Certification for People: IT4IT™ Conformance Requirements (Level 1) The Open Group IT4IT™ Forum Oct 26, 2015 Nov 9. 2015 Review Details
Systems Management: Common Manageability Programming Interface (CMPI), Issue 2, Version 1 The Open Group Enterprise Management Forum Jun 15, 2015 Jul 6, 2015 Review Details
Integrating Risk and Security within a TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture The Open Group Security Forum Aug 17, 2015 Sep 14, 2015 Review Details
The Open Group IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, Version 2.0 The Open Group IT4IT™ Forum Jul 27, 2015 Aug 23, 2015 Review Details
Technical Corrigendum No. 1 to the Open Messaging Interface (O-MI) Standard The Open Group Open Platform 3.0™ Forum Jun 26, 2015 Jul 10, 2015 Review Details
ArchiMate® Model Exchange File Format The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum May 11, 2015 Jun 8, 2015 Review Details
TOGAF® 9.1 Translation Glossary: English – Danish The Open Group Architecture Forum Mar 12, 2015 Apr 9, 2015 Review Details
ArchiMate® 2.1 Translation Glossary: English – Hungarian The Open Group ArchiMate® Forum Mar 12, 2015 Apr 9, 2015 Review Details